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Double T: Anniversary Letter

Double T: Anniversary Letter

It was 1 year ago. Has0ne and I had started discussing a project, so I decided to call him to confirm. Double T was born.

Double T, growing alone... or not :

We started a small project of Minecraft map creation. The goal was to share entertainment with people and give them fun. So we start the development of a map named at the time "Night Watch". But after more than a month of development we decided that the project was too ambitious and put it on pause.

That's when we started The Maze, a simple Gameboy-style horror map inspired by the first horror game in history, "3D Monster Maze". What better way to start? After a few weeks of development we decided to publish the map. Our goal at the time was 300 downloads. You've arrived, The Maze has done more than 5000 downloads and the feedback is incredible. At the base a simple small project of friend you made us realize that we can do great things. Double T could have stopped at The Maze, you made it continue, stronger than ever. Double T is not growing alone anymore, it's growing with you.

Responding to success:

The Maze exceeded our expectations by far! We now need to find a new project, after several abandoned attempts we start the development of a map that will change Double T forever, The Backrooms Archives Vol.1. Adapted from the "Found Footage" video by Kane Pixels the project is ambitious. To recreate the video accurately but also to make it interesting to play in terms of gameplay. The more we release teasers and trailers, the more the public's expectations are felt, the pressure increases. We announce through a trailer the release date, May 3, 2022. The map is released, target 600 downloads, in less than 24 we are already at 100. Big streamer and Youtubeur play our map, the discord becomes active. A community is built.

Towards the infinite and the beyond:

Has0ne and I quickly made a decision, our next project will be ambitious. Its name? Late Delivery. Writing of an original scenario as well as the music. Taking a PS1 style inspired by Puppet Combo the mix is perfect. Once the pre-production of Late Delivery is finished we start the development and the communication through puzzle games begins. You are very active and the puzzles are quickly found, followed by the release of a video trailer. But an interesting idea comes to Has0ne and me to create a DLC called "Final Hour" immersing you in a horrific atmosphere that will be in the same universe as Late Delivery. At the same time Hoag who already helped us in the past in some tasks receives a proposal, create a website for Double T. For months he and I work on the design. Here you are today, we made it (and it's far from being finished, it's only the beginning). We release Final Hour after a very difficult development on August 31. The project is loved and the feedback is incredible, the videos and live on it and the positive reviews keep coming in, for that thank you! It's good ! The adventure can really start, after one year Double T has become a real project and the continuation seems incredible. To take off we needed wings. You are our wings.

Personal note, Tristan:

I didn't really know what I was getting into when I started. I thought I was doing a fun little project with friends that only my friends would know about. You proved me wrong. Today Double T is the project I spend most of my time on and that is thanks to your support. I wasn't necessarily in my best period before the release of The Maze because of personal events. You guys are part of the reason I stuck it out. So a simple thank you would not be enough, you are all incredibly awesome and I am so happy to share this adventure with you. So yes Double T has been a year already. I would say it's only been a year. When we are in trouble we look for an exit to the tunnel, you are my exit from the tunnel!

Personal note, Hasone:

Since I was 7 years old, I've always been a big fan of Minecraft, I played a lot of the game and watched almost only videos about it, either in english or in french. I started to get interested in custom maps, thanks to a youtuber, DanTDM, who made a lot of videos about them, usually in the horror theme. So I decided to start creating my own maps in private solo worlds and after practicing enough, I decided it was time to show people what I could do. So I created White Hole Production, where I posted some of my maps That I was the most satisfied with and that I thought were good to post. The more I did, the higher the quality of each one, in terms of story, visuals, etc... So I talked with Tristan about the maps I was creating and we came up with an idea, work together on it. Double T was created. I would not have thought that I would have arrived at this point today, to have a website, videos on our maps with only good positive feedback, and especially, such a beautiful community. I want to thank Patotatoman, who for me is one of the greatest map makers in Minecraft, who motivated me and many others to make Minecraft maps, but also DanTDM, for introducing me to this whole part of the map making community, without them I probably wouldn't be here today, or even Double T. Also, seeing so many people enjoying our maps and supporting us, motivates me more than anything to continue creating this type of content for others, thanks to all of you, I can create on my favorite game, and give others a good time. You make Double T, you are our pillars, without you, we would not have come this far, and we hope to continue on the right path. Thanks to all of you.

Double T, Growing with you.

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